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About P.A.W.S.

Pets Always Whiz Somewhere

We love animals

Hi! We’re Lee and Maria — we’ve been compassionate pet owners all our lives. We currently have five rescues (three dogs and three cats) in our home, and we get up early every morning to walk our pups and feed stray cats 14 miles away in an old industrial site.

While Maria has typically been more of a cat person, with Lee favoring dogs, we both love our fur babies just like you love yours. That’s why we’re so pleased to provide you with PAWS — a safe, simple product that eliminates odors and stains without harsh chemicals that are harmful to both pets and children.

PAWS donates $1.00 per bottle sold to non-kill pet shelters all over the United States. This means that not only does our product actually work on tough odors and stains, but your purchase also helps pets across the country find their new forever homes.

Our Pledge

To provide the safest and most effective products to pet owners everywhere.

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Made in the USA
Veteran-owned business